Reaching Out, Growing Up, & Giving All for What’s NEXT.


What is NEXT?

We’re inviting our community to embark on a spiritual journey together – to pray, to serve, to give, and invest in the things that matter – to posture our hearts to say, “God, use me.” It’s going to take all of us; it always has, and it always will. From the days when 15 people gathered together in an apartment complex to the campuses we now have that minister to thousands of people every week, it has always taken 100% participation.

It’s a God-sized assignment. It’s a God-sized call for all of us to lock arms together and to be God’s church in our day and our generation. May God find us faithful. We stand on the shoulders of those who’ve come before us and we’re going to leave a legacy for those who will come after us. What will they see? Will they see men and women of faith? Will they see men and women of courage? Will they see men and women who are bold and who live their lives for the glory of God? Let’s invest together and build God’s church. We can’t wait to see what God will do in our lives, families, city, and the world NEXT.


Throughout history, God has called His people to take Next Steps in their spiritual journey. From Abraham leaving where he was living to go to a place God would show Him, to David and Solomon investing in building the Temple that stood hundreds of years for people to meet God, to Nehemiah leaving his successful job to go rebuild the walls around the Jerusalem, to the Early Disciples of Jesus who left everything to build God’s Church.


We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Christ-followers, like maybe your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who sacrificed time, money, and their lives to build God’s Church in their day and generation. And, now the call comes to each of us. What will we do for God’s glory today?


In January of this year, we celebrated 20 years as a church. From fifteen people meeting for a Bible Study in an apartment clubhouse to where we are today is only God. We are truly a part of something only He can do. And, now God is calling us all to what is NEXT. The NEXT 20 years, the NEXT …

Throughout history, God has called His people to take Next Steps in their spiritual journey. From Abraham leaving where he was living to go to a place God would show Him, to David and Solomon investing in building the Temple that stood hundreds of years for people to meet God, to Nehemiah leaving his successful job to go rebuild the walls around the Jerusalem, to the Early Disciples of Jesus who left everything to build God’s Church. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Christ-followers, like maybe your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who sacrificed time, money, and their lives to build God’s Church in their day and generation. And, now the call comes to each of us. What will we do for God’s glory today?

In January of this year, we celebrated 20 years as a church. From fifteen people meeting for a Bible Study in an apartment clubhouse to where we are today is only God. We are truly a part of something only He can do. And, now God is calling us all to what is NEXT. The NEXT 20 years, the NEXT generation, the NEXT ministry, the NEXT mission, and the NEXT one. This is a God-sized call that will take all of us praying, sacrificing, and stepping out in faith like those who have gone before us.

Inside you will see what God is calling us to do NEXT. God is bringing people to us and we need to be ready. Nashville is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States and Williamson County will double in the next 20 years. Our kids are growing up in a society that knows not the Lord. Where will our kids and this next generation hear about Jesus and what is right vs. wrong? Where will they learn about character, integrity, and revering God’s Word? It won’t be in public schools, the internet, or social media - it will be in God’s Church. How will the underprivileged in our community be served? This is our time and our call.

I’m asking you to pray and invest like never before. God is calling us to invest in all our campuses. To expand the capacity for people to come to worship and the next generation to hear about Jesus. We never want to turn anyone away from hearing the Gospel. We never want to say, “We have no more space for you or your child.” As a church, we have grown by 30% over last year. This means we will double in the next three years. We need more space for people to hear and grow in Christ. In addition, we have the opportunity to build a Community Center at our Haywood Hills campus to provide food, clothes, ESL, financial training, and more for the underserved in our city. Like when we started Justice and Mercy International, we would have never believed the impact on so many people. I believe this same will be true locally with our new Rolling Hills Community Center. Our prayer and goal is 100% participation, not equal gifts…but equal sacrifice. This is what God is calling us to do NEXT.

We need you to pray and give. Lisa and I are in. This will be our fifth Capital Campaign here at church, and every time God truly does “immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.” This is a time for you to grow in your faith and invest in what will truly last for eternity. I can think of no greater investment. Let’s do this together. Let’s lock arms and go forward as God’s people today. I can’t wait to see what God will do in our lives, families, city, and the world NEXT.

Blessings on you and your family today.

In Christ,

Primary Goal: 100% Participation of Current Rolling Hills Givers

Current Percent Participation: 98%


Secondary Goal: $20 Million

Current Amount: $14,037,308

Total Given (As of August 2024): $5,326,489


Below are the steps that we are specifically asking you to take:


Pray continually

Ask the Lord for His guidance and wisdom, that He’ll prepare us as a church and prepare you individually for what He'll do through us all. Pray that He’ll draw you closer to Him and for His Will to be done.

1 John 5:14-15


Devote yourself fully

Prepare your heart for sacrifice and spiritual growth. What does this look like for you and/or your family? Ask yourself, “What would growth look like for me/us?”

Psalm 37:5


Advocate enthusiastically

Share with others (Friends, family, your Community Group, schools, sports teams, etc.) what the Lord is doing in your life during this season. Encourage others in their own walk and growth.

1 Corinthians 15:58


Commit boldly

Stretch yourself to live and give in a way that takes you to the NEXT level for the Kingdom of God, following His guidance, and increasing your faith in all areas of your life.

1 Chronicles 29:12-14

Our hope and prayer is that every single person takes their NEXT step in discipleship and generosity. If you’d like to learn more please click below!

5 Visions of NEXT

Worship Home Page Image

At the heart of Rolling Hills, there’s a palpable anticipation—a resonance that speaks of the dreams we’re chasing, the legacies we’re building, and the lives we’re transforming. As we unveil NEXT, five profound visions emerge, encapsulating our aspirations from igniting the faith of future generations to extending our compassionate outreach globally. These pillars signify both our gratitude for the journey to this point and our desire to see God do immeasurably more in the future. Dive into our vision and witness the future we’re sculpting together.


Pam Engle: Reflecting on 20 Years of God’s Unimaginable Work at Rolling Hills

Kelly Cooke: Trusting God Amidst Life's Trials

Jay Williams: Investing in the Future, One Person at a Time


Commitments and fulfillment installments can be made at any time during this period and in whatever cadence works best for you and your family.

Still have questions?